Nichols Cemetery
Russell Township
Section 5
39 51 08N Latitude; 86 59 04W Longitude
This cemetery is on private property. Obtain permission from property owner before visiting this cemetery.
This cemetery is on the south end of Russellville. As you approach Russellville from the south, turn left on the first marked street. Follow that street until it turns right. The cemetery is to the left, between the blue barn and the fence.
Condition: Poor
There are fragments of one or more stones that have been piled up near the center of the cemetery.  The area is being mowed. 
There is one stone that has been broken. Partial readings on each side of this stone are as follows:
___ 18, 1862 
Died Nov 30, 1889
A. J. ___  
Apr 23(?) 
Died Apr