Johnathan Brown Cemetery
Franklin Twp
Section 15
39 49 20N Latitude; 89 50 23W Longitude
This cemetery is on private property. Obtain permission from property owner before visiting this cemetery.
Go south of Roachdale on Co Rd 250E for two miles to Co Rd 1100N. Turn right and follow 1100N west about two miles. Just past a bridge, go north along the edge of the ravine to the top of the hill. Go right (east) into the woods and cross a fence at the north edge of the ravine. There is a single tombstone about 20 feet east of the fence leaning against a tree.
Condition: Fair
One stone in a small patch of woods between two fields. There may be more stones in the area.
The number at the left of each name corresponds with the map of the cemetery.
* = computed birth
Birth Death Age
Surname First Name Other inscriptions M D Y M D Y Y M D
BROWN Johnathan   * Sept 15 1803 Jan 15 1836 32 4