Franklin Township
Section 2
39 51 02N Latitude; 86 49 06W Longitude
This cemetery is on private property. Obtain permission from property owner before visiting this cemetery.
Go west of Roachdale on US 236 about ¼ mile. The cemetery is on the north side of the highway, behind a brick house and mobile home.
Condition: Good
This cemetery is in a homeowner’s back yard. Owner has maintained the area well.
* = computed birth
Birth Death Age
Surname First Name Other inscriptions M D Y M D Y Y M D
HARRIS Jacob   * Apr 20 1845 Nov 24 1874 29 7 4
HARRIS Frances M.  w/o Jacob * Dec 10 1841 Dec 16 1874 33 0 6
HARRIS John   * Nov 15 1803 Sept 22 1870 66 10 7
HARRIS Susan  w/o John   no dates                    
HARRIS Henry B.  s/o J. &. S. * May 30 1838 Oct 17 1838 0 4 17
About ten old illegible stones